
媒体:原创  作者:内详
2008/7/27 12:03:53
Recovering the Crested Ibis - Can Medium Term Success Really Go the Distance?
Xi Yongmei
The Institute of Genetics and Cell biology, College of Life Sciences, Zhejiang University,
The crested ibis (Nipponia nippon), is one of the most endangered wetland birds of the world. It has also been recognized as a key environmental indicator species and is a flagship species of both Japan and China. Historically, the reason for its imminent extinction was that it did not cope well with environmental change. Against such change the ibis has shrunk from its previously common status, to the single remnant population at the Yangxian county of China. With the conservation efforts in the past 25 years, there has been a partial numerical recovery from only two viable breeding pairs of the Crested Ibis in 1981, to the current over 800 individuals (captive and wild combined). However the wild population has so far remained a single population within Yangxian County. The first section of this seminar details the decline and the partial recovery of this key wetland species. Secondly we discuss the renewed focus upon the possibility of reintroduction of the captive ibis back into other wetland areas of its former expansive range which included 13 provinces of China, Japan and Korea and to a certain extent, Siberia. Such an endeavor, it is understood, would have to be preceded by extensive assessment and/or restoration of sufficient quality and quantity of natural wetland feeding environments. A key factor of such areas needs to be the re-establishment of sustainable low-impact agricultural practice. The location of suitable roosting and nesting environments also has to be considered. The environmental conditions of Yangxian County, as both the only location where the ibis naturally survived, and the only location of the now expanding remnant wild population, is proposed as such a model for the environmental factors the species may require. Such aspects can then be applied to the assessment of proposed sites for the reintroduction of the Ibis elsewhere.
Key wordsCrested Ibis;     Recover    


关键词:朱鹮      恢复      再引入
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